Platform 2020 | Year of the Paddle Gods

Current Beer Debt Totals

Welcome to the Platform 2020 Season! The rules are simple. Minimum of 6 "DUE" beers to be provided at the beginning of each match. And as always, beware the PG's as they givith and they also taketh away.

Dustin Heigl

The “First Ball In” King
As of 4/24: Owes 0 Beers

Tim Marra

The locals call him Dr. Spin.
As of 4/24: Owes 0 Beers

Justin Kapsen

The “Basket Lob” Phenom
As of 4/24: Owes Marra 6 Beers

Geoff Kragness

The “Count of Crush” (including paddles against walls)
As of 4/24: Owes 0 Beers

Brad Koranda

The “Lobsta”
As of 4/24: Owes Heigl 6 Beers | Owes Marra 6 Beers OWES 1 NR

Adam Duff

Bikes to paddle but his game ain’t broke
As of 4/24: Owes 0 Beers

Beer Debt Is no Joke is the official, independent beer counting registry for beers owed. Not paying your beer debt in a timely fashion can lead to ridicule, harassment, spam email, embarrassment, incontinence, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and a number of other aggravations and annoyances. So please, pay your beer debts.